4. Konfigüre Pure-Ftpd

/etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf dosyasinin duzenlenmesi;

cp /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf_orig

mysql.conf dosyasini yedekledim her ihtimale karsi.
cat /dev/null > /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf
vi /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf

MYSQLSocket      /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
#MYSQLServer     localhost
#MYSQLPort       3306
MYSQLUser       pureftpd
MYSQLPassword   fikri
MYSQLDatabase   pureftpd
#MYSQLCrypt md5, cleartext, crypt() or password() – md5 is VERY RECOMMENDABLE uppon cleartext
MYSQLCrypt      md5
MYSQLGetPW      SELECT Password FROM ftpd WHERE User=”\L” AND status=”1″ AND (ipaccess = “*” OR ipaccess LIKE “\R”)
MYSQLGetUID     SELECT Uid FROM ftpd WHERE User=”\L” AND status=”1″ AND (ipaccess = “*” OR ipaccess LIKE “\R”)
MYSQLGetGID     SELECT Gid FROM ftpd WHERE User=”\L”AND status=”1″ AND (ipaccess = “*” OR ipaccess LIKE “\R”)
MYSQLGetDir     SELECT Dir FROM ftpd WHERE User=”\L”AND status=”1″ AND (ipaccess = “*” OR ipaccess LIKE “\R”)
MySQLGetBandwidthUL SELECT ULBandwidth FROM ftpd WHERE User=”\L”AND status=”1″ AND (ipaccess = “*” OR ipaccess LIKE “\R”)
MySQLGetBandwidthDL SELECT DLBandwidth FROM ftpd WHERE User=”\L”AND status=”1″ AND (ipaccess = “*” OR ipaccess LIKE “\R”)
MySQLGetQTASZ   SELECT QuotaSize FROM ftpd WHERE User=”\L”AND status=”1″ AND (ipaccess = “*” OR ipaccess LIKE “\R”)
MySQLGetQTAFS   SELECT QuotaFiles FROM ftpd WHERE User=”\L”AND status=”1″ AND (ipaccess = “*” OR ipaccess LIKE “\R”)

dosya sonu…

Dosya bu sekilde duzenledikten sonra kaydedip cikalim. Database ismine, database kullanicisina ve sifresine dikkat edelim. Makaleden bagimsiz birseyler belirlediyseniz duzenlemeyi unutmayin.

echo “yes” > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/ChrootEveryone

Chroot secenegi her kullanicinin kendi dir’ inda kalmasini saglar ve boylelikle kullanicilar kendileri ile alakasiz dizinleri gezemezler.

echo “yes” > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/CreateHomeDir

CreateHomeDir ise her yeni kullaniciya HomeDiR’ i olusturur.

vi /etc/default/pure-ftpd-common

# Configuration for pure-ftpd
# (this file is sourced by /bin/sh, edit accordingly)

# valid values are “standalone” and “inetd”.
# Any change here overrides the setting in debconf.

# whether to use binary with virtualchroot support
# valid values are “true” or “false”
# Any change here overrides the setting in debconf.

# UPLOADSCRIPT: if this is set and the daemon is run in standalone mode,
# pure-uploadscript will also be run to spawn the program given below
# for handling uploads. see /usr/share/doc/pure-ftpd/README.gz or
# pure-uploadscript(8)

# example: UPLOADSCRIPT=/usr/local/sbin/uploadhandler.pl

# if set, pure-uploadscript will spawn $UPLOADSCRIPT running as the
# given uid and gid

#dosya sonu

STANDALONE_OR_INETD seceneginin Standalone olduguna emin olun.


vi /etc/inetd.conf

#ftp     stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd-wrapper

/etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd restart
/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql restart

Servislere restart atiyoruz.

5. Kullanici ekleme ve test etme

mysql -u root -p

USE pureftpd;

INSERT INTO `ftpd` (`User`, `status`, `Password`, `Uid`, `Gid`, `Dir`, `ULBandwidth`, `DLBandwidth`, `comment`, `ipaccess`, `QuotaSize`, `QuotaFiles`) VALUES (‘dinopsys’, ‘1’, MD5(‘qazxsw’), ‘2007’, ‘2007’, ‘/home/www.dinopsys.net’, ‘100’, ‘100’, ”, ‘*’, ’50’, ‘0’);

MySQL’ e root olarak giris yaptim, Pureftpd db sine baglandim, dinopsys kullanici isimli qazxsw sifreli 2007 idli user ve gruba bagli home dizini /home/www.dinopsys.net olan 100 Kbps upload ve download limiti olan, herhangi bir ip adresinden ftpye erisebilen ve 50 mb kotasi olan bir kullanici olusturdum.


komutuyla db den ayrildim.

ls -l /home

server1:/etc/default# ls -l /home
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 ftpuser       ftpgroup      4096 2007-05-04 11:21 www.dinopsys.net

Evet klasorumde olusmus hayirli olsun…




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